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Halveon sagl
Via Valdani 1
CH-6830 Chiasso
+41 91 930 98 97
Halveon Inc.
2360 Lakeshore Road
West Oakville, Ontario
+1 905-847-6853
+41 76 519 6228
+41 76 495 6228
Medicinal products and different medical devices (for example insulin pens) are costly products subject to thermal degradation. For this reason, their transport is carried out at a controlled temperature and regulated by global/government requirements and guidelines (Good Distribution Practices).
The T-Stream™ products produced by Halveon, are essential tools for monitoring temperature during the transport of active ingredients (chemical and biological origin) of medicinal products and medical devices. The tools comply with the laws of the related sector.
The majority of food products (above all fresh and frozen foods), are products that deteriorate easily due to temperature and humidity levels that are either too high or low. In addition, the distance between the production and the selling sites is often considerable and requires a lengthy journey. This is why the foods are transported under controlled temperature conditions in which the cold chain assures retention of the organoleptic and nutritional quality and safety for consumer health.
For fresh food products, refrigeration limits or blocks the growth of bacteria that not only alter the organoleptic and nutritional properties, but can also lead to the spread of ailments and diseases among consumers.
For frozen food products, it is essential that the temperatures are kept below zero continuously to avoid thawing, formation of macrocrystals of water with any new freezing and the start of the degradation processes also connected with bacterial proliferation.
The T-Stream™ products produced by Halveon, are essential tools for monitoring the temperature of food products during the cold chain.
Temperature-controlled transport will play an increasingly important role within logistics due to the rise in the volumes of goods that can deteriorate (pharmaceuticals and medical products, fresh and frozen food products, flowers and plants) and the greater distances between production sites and places of consumption. The complexity of the system (use of dedicated and insulated transport, is required in order to handle diverse temperatures within the same delivery), the burden of the increasingly stringent laws, which involve transported goods, and the need to guarantee the customer’s requests for quality, are also growing in tandem.
To guarantee the delivery conditions it is necessary to be able to measure the temperature precisely, including inside the single pallet and/or pack to assess the consistency between the transport conditions and what is established by the storage specifications and by the applicable rules in all phases of transport, including any sudden changes in temperature in the unloading phases. The Halveon T-Stream™ data logger range is designed to support the needs of cold logistics that is increasingly sophisticated and must guarantee the temperature conditions of the products and their packaging.
The T-Stream™ data loggers are easy and immediate to use, designed to overcome the linguistic or I.T. barriers of users and of the departure and arrival facilities.
The majority of cut flowers sold in Europe come from Kenya and Colombia passing through the Dutch flower market. Flowers are delicate products where storage temperature and transport time have an important role to play in the quality of the final product. As soon as the cut flowers are picked, they are stored at low temperatures to keep them in a “dormant” state and delay their blooming, which must occur after the flowers have been purchased by consumers.
The quality of the flowers is maintained by transport that is as rapid as possible and at a constant and controlled temperature. Sudden changes in temperature: excess heat and cold can damage the flowers. Respecting the temperature conditions during transport is 90% of the solution when dealing with quality-related issues, which arise with cut flowers. A lower quality flower can reduce the selling price by 5%-10%.
The T-Stream™ products produced by Halveon are essential tools for monitoring the consistancy of the temperature during the transport and storage of cut flowers.
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